December 15, 2022

Extended Special Session proposal

April 21, 2023

Full paper submission due

May 26, 2023

Notification of acceptance

Jun 5, 2023

Final paper due

Sep 1, 2023

Deadline late registration


Towards AI empowered data driven approaches

FQAS is the premier conference focusing on the key issue in the information society of providing flexible, easy, and (for human) intuitive access to information. In targeting this issue, the conference draws on several research areas, such as information retrieval, database management, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data management, information filtering and recommendation, knowledge representation, logics (classical and non-classical), uncertainty handling, ontologies, knowledge discovery, analytics, soft computing, pattern recognition, natural language processing, management of multimedia and multimodal information, and human-computer interaction.
  • Flexible Query / Question Answering models and Systems.
  • Query answering.
    • AI empowered data driven query answering
    • Multimodal question answering
    • Graph databases and knowledge graph querying
    • Recommender systems and Implicit query answering
    • Explainability of answers
    • Anonymous query answering
    • Contextualization and personalization of query answering
    • Community question answering
    • Query answering in a distributed context
    • Query answering (spatial/temporal) big data
    • Query answering empowered by ontologies
    • Multilingual query answering
  • Specific query answering issues.
    • Fact checking and fake news detection
    • Demographic debiasing for fair answers
    • Synthetic data generation (for development and initial training of intelligent QA systems)
    • Connection finding and network analytics
    • Data and answer visualization
    • Data and answer summarization
    • Text categorization
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Information extraction
    • Ethics and privacy in information access
    • Trustworthiness and credibility of answers
  • User needs identification.
    • Imprecise needs and query disambiguation
    • Decision support for user needs
    • Query intent detection
    • Intelligent multimodal dialogues
    • Speech understanding
    • Privacy secure user profiling for needs interpretation
    • Feature importance identification and preference modelling
  • Knowledge Discovery.
    • Opinion mining and polarity detection
    • Sentiment analysis
    • Data/text mining
    • Anomaly detection

Application areas

The guiding topic of the FQAS conferences are innovative query systems aimed at providing easy, flexible and human-friendly effective and efficient access to information. Such systems are becoming increasingly important also due to the huge and always growing number of users as well as the growing amount of available data and information. Since 1994, the conference has provided a unique and multidisciplinary forum for researchers, developers and practitioners to explore and exchange new ideas and approaches in all mentioned research areas.
  • Healthcare (e.g., Biomedical Question Answering, bioinformatics query answering)
  • Cooperative dialogue systems and chatbots
  • Recommender system application (for, e.g., music, films, books, literature, tourist objects..)
  • Environmental and Earth Observation applications(for, e.g., geo big data)
  • Business intelligence
  • Security intelligence
  • Data driven situation/risk assessment
  • Research/investigation support
  • Community question answering (in forums, social networks)
  • Code search

We invite submissions of original research contributions. We also encourage submission of survey and position papers, and contributions on applications and experimental studies.


Steering Committee

  • Gloria Bordogna, Italy
  • Henrik Legind Larsen, Denmark
  • Guy De Tre, Belgium
  • Troels Andreasen, Denmark

General Chairs

  • Henrik Legind Larsen, Denmark
  • Maria J. Martin-Bautista, Spain

General Chair

Henrik Legind Larsen,

Legind Technologies A/S, Denmark

General Chair

Maria J. Martin-Bautista,

University of Granada, Spain

Program Chair

M. Dolores Ruiz

University of Granada, Spain

Special Session Chair

Karel Gutiérrez-Batista

University of Granada, Spain

Special Session Chair

Carlos Fernandez-Basso

University of Granada, Spain

Web Chair

Roberto Morcillo-Jimenez,

University of Granada, Spain

Publicity Chair

Jose A. Diaz-Garcia

University of Granada, Spain

Publication Chair

Andrea Morales-Garzón

University of Granada, Spain

Publication Chair

Bartolome Ortiz-Viso

University of Granada, Spain

Official Sponsors


If you have any doubts, questions or need any information please feel free to contact us. Our Organizing Committee will get back to you as soon as possible.
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